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How to tackle

A Free Masterclass on how to use self-doubt as an ally for more Joy, Clarity and Freedom in your Life and Business

Self-Doubt is part of life and will come back again and again no matter the stage you're at in your Life and Business

Your CHALLENGES with Self-Doubt:

Is that you?

❌ it confuses you and you don't know what to do

❌ it blocks you from taking a decision and going towards the life and business you want

❌ it frustrates you and makes you sad as you don't understand why it has so much power over you

❌ it makes you feel powerless and as if you were totally frozen by it

❌ it gets so much in your head that you can't even think, feel, see what best and literally gives you a headache not talking about the stress it provokes

Then what happens is confusion, more frustration, going round in your head and no concrete actions.

You want this change something BUT... you don't know how and you're tired of it ruling your life 😭

I know...


Is that you?

✔️ stop feeling trapped into doubt

✔️ be able to know clearly what's best and/right for you, the situation, your business

✔️ be in your power to chose and go ahead with a decision with assertiveness and confidence

✔️ have the understanding and tools to navigate Self-Doubt and not being the victim of it

Doubt cannot be suppressed so better knowing how to work navigate it when it comes into our lives so that you can work with it ♥️

Self-Doubt is not necessarily a negative thing and I would like to invite you to discover how you can see and live it differently.

If any of the above resonated you're at he right place baby!

Don't miss this private masterclass and book your spot now :)

My intentions for our time together are:

⭐️ Helping you shift perspective on Doubt

⭐️ Aquire new understanding and tools

⭐️ Feel empowered to do things differently

Imagine if you could

👉🏻 feel good even when doubt kicks in

👉🏻 have the confidence to chose, create and be

👉🏻 feel legit' and at your place in your life and business

👉🏻 harness your inner power

Well in all in all



I am Jennifer Herren,
Trilingual Qualified Coach, 
Founder of LET it HAPPEN.

Hi, I’m Jenn! Swiss and Spanish and currently based in London but not for long anymore ;)


Over the past 15 years, I have held various positions in startups and leading multinationals, mainly in international sales (B2B).


After years of frustration in the corporate world, I started my own business for (mainly) more freedom, abundance, meaning and happiness.

I've a journey of a lot of changes and transitions. Doubt is something I've been working on for years and much more specifically this year.

I help entrepreneurial souls to free themselves (on all levels) so that they can have more joy, confidence, prosperity, impact and FREEDOM on all levels in their life and business.

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